Our Vision

In the radiant tapestry of Oghara Sons and Daughters of America (OSDA), our vision is to create a vibrant and thriving community that serves as a beacon of unity, love, and purpose for generations to come. Envisioned through the lens of our core values – integrity, unity, compassion, sisterhood, and brotherhood – OSDA aspires to be a sanctuary where Oghara heritage converges with the American dream. Cultivating Integrity: As OSDA envisions the future, integrity stands as a cornerstone of our identity. We envision a community where every action is guided by honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct. Through continuous education and empowerment, OSDA members will serve as ambassadors of integrity, not just within our community but also as contributors to the broader societal fabric in which we reside. A Culture of Compassion: The vision of OSDA is illuminated by the warmth of 'one love,' a guiding principle that shapes our interactions and relationships. We aspire to foster a culture of compassion and empathy where members actively engage in acts of kindness, support, and genuine concern for one another. By embodying this spirit of 'one love,' OSDA becomes a haven where the well-being of each member is a shared responsibility. A Beacon of Sisterhood and Brotherhood: Our vision extends beyond camaraderie to embrace the profound concept of being our brother's keeper. OSDA aspires to be a beacon of sisterhood, and brotherhood where the concept of familial support transcends bloodlines. Through mutual assistance, and a commitment to each other's well-being, OSDA members form an unbreakable bond, echoing the African proverb, "I am because we are."